Join Jackie Baillie MSP and Hospitalwatch for a public meeting on the future of our health services :
Dear Kilmaronock Community Council,
I write to make you aware of two public meetings which I have organised in conjunction with Hospitalwatch. The meetings will be an opportunity for people to have their say on how health services should be delivered.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is currently reviewing all service areas as part of their Moving Forward Together programme. As part of the review, they are undertaking a consultation exercise and have committed to ensuring that the views of the public shape their proposals for service change.
In addition to the sparsely attended meeting which was organised by the health board in Alexandria, I have organised two additional meetings at the dates and times below:
· Tuesday 9 April, 7.30pm, Concord Community Centre, St Mary’s Way, Dumbarton
· Thursday 11 April, 7pm, Helensburgh Parish Church, Colquhoun Square, Helensburgh
Health board representatives will attend the meetings.
I would be grateful if you could share the details of these meetings with your contacts. I am keen to ensure that as many members of our community as possible have the opportunity to shape the future of our health services.
Best wishes,