Our Ref: PB/dm
Date: 16 February 2023
The Secretary
Kilmaronock Community Council
Sent via email
Dear Sir / Madam
West Dunbartonshire Council Budget 2023/24
You will be aware of the significant funding challenges faced by West Dunbartonshire
Council this year and in the coming years.
Following the Council meeting in December where a range of saving options were
approved alongside management adjustments identified, the Council still has to find a
further £14.3m in savings to continue delivering services to our residents.
Our situation has been further compounded by a range of factors including increases
in inflation, utilities, fuel, materials and employee costs.
This is our most significant financial challenge since our inception as a Council and at
a time where our residents are relying on our services more than ever, we must take
action to balance the budget for the next financial year and beyond.
A range of proposed savings will be presented and discussed at the Council meeting
on Wednesday, 1 March 2023 and I wanted to give you advance notice that one of
the budget savings which will discussed at the meeting is to reduce the funding we
currently provide to Community Councils.
Further information on the proposals and associated savings is available on the
Council website.
No final decision will be made on these proposals until the meeting on 1 March when
it is considered by Elected Members.
Following the Council meeting, I will contact you again to update you on any decisions
what this means for you.
Yours sincerely
Peter Barry
Chief Officer – Housing & Employability
West Dunbartonshire Council
Council Offices, 16 Church Street, Dumbarton, G82 1QL
Direct Tel: 01389 737573
E-mail Address: peter.barry@west-dunbarton.gov.uk